Saturday, January 21, 2006

Hey kids,
So, I'm putting the finishing touches on my mix and I've come to an impasse. I have whittled down the playlist immensely, however, I'm still way over the amount of tracks that would fit onto 1 disc.

In the past I've gotten guff for having a mix with too few songs on it. My defense was that I only put songs that I felt worthy on it. Now, this time around I seriously have a playlist that I would feel remiss in eliminating any of the tracks from.

What should I do? I have not heard of any specific rule that says you cannot hand in a double cd mix. I'm really not trying to be an over-achiever here (Joe can attest to that) but I want to know how the board feels about this matter. Please let me know soon, as I will need to alter the layout of my packaging.

Thank you,
Matt Ferrin
Mix Exchange member since 2004


Jazz said...

There isn't a set rule on number of discs, but I am open to discussing the formation of the rule with other members. Personally I think 80 minutes is enough, there is always going to be tracks you can't, but want, to fit on a disc - such is the beauty of life and the mix. Thus my vote: one disc.


Anonymous said...

I'm torn. Part of me thinks it's a dangerous precedent: if you make a 2-disc set now, does that mean I can make a 5-disc set next time? I do think part of the challenge of making a mix is cutting it down. On the other hand, I think hooray, more music for me. Of course, getting 13 mixes at once is already an overwhelming amount of music to listen to...

Anonymous said...


I agree with Nory & Dr.D.


Jack Kodiak

Jazz said...

Matt are those your breasts?

Anonymous said...

yo, I say no to 2 disc. I don't want to get 2 disc from matt with 4 songs on each of them. Why don't you try to fill a whole disc this time.

Anonymous said...

god matt....I was only've gone to far.