Tuesday, April 18, 2006

This is a weekly series of short stories written by a friend of mine. I've posted the introduction below so that you can get an idea of what the stories themselves encompass. You can check out the the myspace page over in the links section so that you can easily access the story, which is currently on Chapter 6. If you want to have access to Chapters 1-5 you have to add him as a friend through Myspace.com. Hope you read it and enjoy it.

Cold reading,
This is Jack Kodiak



On July 14, 2003 I was released from prison after serving 12 2/3 years. Since that time I have lived the kind of life that, when I was facing 25 to life, I never dreamed possible. Part of that new life was getting admitted to New York University as a creative writing major. I graduate this May, next month. For the writing classes at NYU, I produced several short stories based on significant events in my life as, more or less, they happened. To celebrate my graduation, I am posting one story per week on my blog-space, every Wednesday, until there are no more to post.


Anonymous said...

yo joe I really like that photo you made. Looks good.

Anonymous said...

Joe didn't make it. I did.

Jazz said...

Where's the link Jack?

Anonymous said...

its on the side with all of the other links fool!

Jazz said...

oh shit. that's it. be ready, 6:30 at vbar you're going down gannon jr - april is here and you're the fool.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments boys, I hope you've checked out the stories as well.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the love.