Thursday, April 06, 2006

Random VBar Photo #3
You can tell two things about this photo. First that it is old, back in the days when Joe wore glasses and only had chops and a stash, no full beard. Secondly, it was taken during the day - that's why Joe's making a Latté and not pouring a glass of wine. Sure people drink coffee at night, but not often. Stop by during the day sometime and try one of Joe's lattés - a girl even wrote a paper about how good they were.



Anonymous said...

How do you know about my hands bleeding? I thought that whole thing happened after you left. I want answers tomorrow. Peace.

Money Mike

P.S. I don't want to go through these fucking robot test anymore when I post anonymously. Fuck.

Jazz said...

I'm the one who started the rhyme outside of 2A... fool.