The next mix is months away but there are a series of events that will be officially announced soon, they include:
1. 'This is the mix/dance off party', space and date tbd.
2. Arm wrestling competition at VBar. James is still the champ and needs to be dethroned. Sometime in April.
3. Joe is organizing a group viewing of both X3 and Superman Returns. Let him know if you are interested (May and June).
4. Beer and Wings. It's a fund raiser for the Mix mascot. Once announced please show your support, even if you don't eat meat.
5. Band practice may be occuring this Saturday, March 18th, I am checking with Matt right now.
6. Uno night at VBar, most likely in June when the bar empties out, on a weekday.
7. Karaoke night in Brooklyn, near Matt's place. tbd, but coming up soon!
Please feel free to sign in and add any events.
i'm up for all of that. except arm-wrestling because i can't even beat girls. i'll cheer james on though. oh and i'm especially up for the comic movie gatherings. i like going thursday nights at the midnight screenings and standing in line with other geeks. hopefully you guys are into that too.
Oh my god!
Jason is the best organizer ever!
He brought us packed lunches for the comicon and when Matt got scared of someone dressed as the incredible Hulk he held Matt's hand and calmed him down.
He was constantly telling me that it was "okay" for me to think that Robin is cooler than Batman, and that "the kids who tease in school are just jealous because I'm more emotionally developed than they are."
He's the best.
This is Jack Kodiak
That guy in the photo is BADASS!!!
Okay I am in for 1,2,3- part B, & 4.
7 Maybe.
5 & 6 No.
P.S. I can't wait for the next mix, my CD is going to be crazy SICK!!! Yeah!
Yeah, Lucky Leo has been rocking out on her walkman listening to crazy Jam bands and Trip hop.
Why a walkman you ask?
Lucky Leo says she's a purist. Ipod's are for weak little pussies who are too frail to lug around all the cds they want to listen to.
Badass, like that guy in the photo.
Rock steady,
This is Jack Kodiak
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