Thursday, March 16, 2006


Hey kids,

So as you can see I posted a list of shows that will occur in New York over the next two months or so. I'm sure there are some that I missed. Let me know and I'll add them. I thought it'd be cool to use this post to say which shows you are interested in going to and see if anyone else wants to join in.



Anonymous said...

Ellen and I are going to the Sam Prekop/Archer Prewitt show on sunday at SouthPaw March 19th. We are also going to Built to Spill on Thursday May 4th Thursday.

Open to going to other shows.

Nice work Matt.

Anonymous said...

JRD, Kodiak, my sister and I bought tickets for the first show (Tue 5/2) of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Feel free to join us by purchasing a ticket.

Jazz said...

absolutely. I just checked and tickets are still available.