Sunday, February 12, 2006

Homeless Eskimo struggles to survive in snow blasted Nolita.

Sunday February 12th 2006.

A record amount of snow accumulated in NYC this past weekend, perfect for sitting in and enjoying our mixes. The news is reporting that the winds gusted up to about 60 mph and there was a rare display of lightning lighting up the falling snow before dawn in most of New York producing muffled winter thunder. The National Weather Service reported 26.9 inches of snow fell in Central Park, the most for a single storm since record-keeping started in 1851. The old record was 26.4 inches in December 1947. The homeless Eskimo is reporting that: "My wheels are stuck...and my hands are frozen to the bars". When asked if she needed food she replied: "Naw. I got me this whole shoppin' cart of polar bear meat, and this snow...I'm fixing to dig myself an igloo once I get this cart loose".

Mittens and all, This is Jack Kodiak.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

wow look at that snow bunny! Nice catch Jack Kodiak.
